Welcome to Tonga!
Dropped anchor off Big Mama’s resort (a
couple of thatched cabins and an open-air, sand floor bar/restaurant) on Pangaimotu Island,
(about a mile from the main port) at 1530, Monday, May 7th, Tonga
time. Stunningly peaceful after 6 days
(actually 5 days, 22.5 hours) of rock n roll. Major rock n roll – most of the
time we had winds of 25-30+ knots and steep seas 3-4+m, breaking over the boat,
tossing us up, then dropping us off the backside. But it was on the beam, so
while uncomfortable, it was fast. Average over 8 knots, 200 nautical miles a
day. We are very fortunate that Idyll
Island can handle it no
problem with double reefed main and genoa, while we maintain watch inside using
the remote for the autopilot and instruments, warm and dry if tossed about a
bit - cooking is a fair challenge (and sleeping, showering etc ….)
It was definitely time to leave NZ - temps
down to 4C overnight (Idyll
Island is a tropical boat
and we have no heat unless at a dock).
Here in Tonga
at 8pm its 27C – same as the water! Customs clearance was the best yet – 4 big
friendly guys came out to the boat and were more interested in taking pictures
of themselves than filling out forms. But then we are only the 5th
yacht to arrive for the season – a heavily salt-caked yacht. Major boat wash time!
Tomorrow we’ll go ashore and have a drink
at Big Mama’s with some of the other boats here. Tonight, it’s the big sleep on a quiet boat
in a calm anchorage.